School News

Fruit and Vegetable Program Consent Form

Fruit and Vegetable Program at Windsor!

Windsor Elementary School is involved in a province-wide healthy living initiative. One of the goals is to encourage healthy eating by providing fresh BC fruits and vegetables to the students during classroom time. The students will receive picked, washed, and ready to enjoy produce at no charge!

Please click the icon below to fill out the consent form for your student to participate in this free program:






The fruit and vegetable delivery schedule is below:

Date of deliveryItem being delivered
SuspendedBaby Carrots
Nov. 7, 2023Ambrosia Apples
Nov. 28, 2023Mandarin Oranges (Sunkist)
Dec. 12, 2023Mandarin Oranges (Halo)
Jan. 23, 2024Cheese Sticks (Armstrong marble cheddar)
Feb. 6, 2024Royal Gala Apples
Feb. 27, 2024Snap Peas
April 16, 2024Mini Cucumbers
April 30, 2024Organic Apples
May 14, 2024Mini Peppers
June 4, 2023Ambrosia Apples