Welcome back to the 2022/2023 school year at Windsor Elementary School.   The Windsor Elementary School Parent Advisor Council (PAC) would like to extend a warm welcome to all the parents and guardians and hope that the school year has been off to a wonderful start.    This year will look a little different for the PAC but we hope to continue to offer some exciting ways to support our school and community.


We would like to take a few moments to provide some information about the PAC, discuss ways that you can get involved with the PAC, and introduce your executive members.

What is the PAC?


The purpose of the Windsor PAC is to plan activities and events for the school community, provide information to parents and guardians about school programs, create a framework to facilitate discussions about educational issues, and raise funds to supplement programs and supplies not provided by the Burnaby School Board.    This year we are aiming to provide a variety of COVID-friendly events such as Basket Raffles and Read-a-thons.    So far this year we have already provided each classroom with a $100 grant to allow our Teachers the ability to purchase necessary supplies to assist in the learning environment.    This has been made possible by the generous donations and fundraising campaigns of the parents and guardians of Windsor School.


How do I get involved?


All parents and guardians at Windsor Elementary School are members of PAC.   There are many ways to get involved with varying levels of time commitment.  The following items are ways to get involved:

  • Come to our meetings
  • Consider joining a committee
  • Donate to the PAC
  • Volunteer to help with events

We hold our monthly general meetings on the third Wednesday of each month (except December) at 5:00 p.m. and they are online over zoom

If you would like to get involved or have a question about the PAC please contact any one of the following executive members:

Position Name email
Chair Angela
Treasurer Michelle
DPAC filled
Social media filled
Vice Chair TBD
Secretary TBD


Stay tuned for our next newsletter that will outline the exciting plans that we have for the school year!